In car full of bolts, nut behind the wheel matters most
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In car full of bolts, nut behind the wheel matters most

Apr 03, 2023

Someone once pointed out that it takes 1,874 bolts and screws to put a car together but only one nut to scatter them all over the place.

I don't know who that someone was, but his saying was attached to a tabletop in a diner I visited the other day.

In fact, the entire tabletop was covered in funny sayings, all intended to bring a little to cheer to whomever happens to sit down there. It worked with me.

I especially liked the one that said, "My doctor told me I have insomnia. Now I lay awake all night worrying about it." Oh, and I thought the one was cute that said, "Money talks, but all mine ever says is goodbye."

I’m glad someone went to the trouble of displaying those clever sayings. We all need a little cheer, because life can be so heavy at times.

The Apostle Paul, a tough guy who endured so much during his ministry, admitted to weeping and shedding tears. Why? Not because of beatings or stonings, but because people he loved were heading for hell.

"I ceased not to warn everyone night and day with tears," Paul said in Acts 20:31.

Paul isn't alone in weeping over the lost. Christian moms and dads are constantly weeping as they call out to God on behalf of lost children, because they know the eternal consequences of their children leaving this earth without Christ.

Sometimes it's a sister praying for a brother who hasn't made peace with the Lord. Sometimes it's a friend asking God to save a childhood chum who has never seen the light.

What could be more troubling than having children who are going to be condemned to a lake of fire? What could be more emotional than having parents or siblings or close friends heading for hell where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched? The very thought puts a lump in the throat of every believer.

Everyone who has an unsaved loved one worries every time they get into a vehicle. They worry about each of the 1,874 bolts and screws that hold that vehicle together as it speeds down the highway.

And, of course, they cry out to God for the nut behind the wheel, praying for the day that he or she comes to Christ.

Reach Roger Alford at 502-514-6857 or [email protected].

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